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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Expansion With The Launch of Acupuncture

Despite the relative success of acupuncture is to reach those who are not very keen on the idea of ​​a lot of fine needles into their bodies a cure for their disease.
It is for this reason that many players use acupuncture acupuncture marketing is very important. Basically, marketing, acupuncture is not just trying to expand its coverage of activities, but also want to educate people so they can correct the misconception that it can be an alternative method of treatment.

That is, if the sites acupuncture can be very useful. Acupuncture sites primarily accommodate a variety of information, such as acupuncture centers in a particular state or certified professionals in acupuncture, you can call, for example.
Acupuncture Marketing you try to let people in your area will know the services you provide.

Similarly, you would like those of neighboring states to take into account if no one in your area that offer the same services as you do.

In principle, there is no standard method of marketing as far as acupuncture, which means that you must be a little 'more creative ways to get the message. And this support is not acupuncture, many carriers are struggling financially to keep their practice alive. With a growing need something in the field of alternative medicine that can produce predictable results through the use of acupuncture acupuncture sites of great marketing.

When using acupuncture sites actually have the means to measure the results of acupuncture in the search marketing to determine the number of hits the site receives a day, week or month. Take this as a basis for acupuncture marketing techniques you are now able to discover what is really working and which are not by the number of patients, a marketing strategy for acupuncture.

Acupuncture sites can provide potential customers a way to contact you directly. This will give you a sort of feedback system on the value of investing in your website to acupuncture. Please note that by subscribing to the sites you want to acupuncture primarily to educate people first to go to where they were happy that they have sold. If you think you can be an effective part of your acupuncture educator marketing strategy would be to hold seminars and conferences to reach more people.

Do not lose sight of its main objective is to achieve greater exposure. Remember that there may be just the acupuncture professional in your area and who have much knowledge in the field, the more benefit from its competitors in the same area. You should focus on reaching as many people as possible in the shortest time possible with as little effort as possible.Establishing yourself as an authority in the field now offers more opportunities to expand in the future.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Acupuncture and Pain Relief

When acupuncture was introduced in the U.S., it was effective in relieving pain, which attracted public attention. In 1972, when the New York Times reporter James Reston had acupuncture treatment for pain relief after surgery, he was so impressed with the results he wrote of acupuncture on his return to America.
Although the efficacy of acupuncture in China is a reliable for thousands of years, is only the last 40-50 years that acupuncture has been practiced and accepted in the West. Two recent studies from the University of Heidelberg in Germany and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDN) have highlighted the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment of pain in patients. Based on the results of this experiment in Heidelberg, more patients who received acupuncture treatment more pain relief than patients receiving placebo. The study was carried out UMDN, patients received an external stimulus, the pain when receiving acupuncture for pain relief.

During this period, patients were asked to rate their pain level. When receiving an acupuncture treatment, patients have less pain from external stimulation and MRI results showed that the reduction in activity in brain areas that respond to pain. Experience shows that when UMDNS acupuncture is performed, the brain's response to pain is also reduced. This result agrees with the belief that acupuncture, when done properly, has the ability to effectively control and reduce pain by stimulating endorphins, the body's natural chemicals that block pain.

Many of the acupoints are located close to the nerves. When certain muscles are stimulated with acupuncture needles, the muscle to send a message to the central nervous system, causing the release of endorphins. These endorphins block pain messages sent to the brain.

Acupuncture has proven effective in treating many types of pain. Acupuncture is effective in treating chronic pain, headaches, menstrual cramps, lower back, neck and muscle pain. In addition, acupuncture is effective in treating arthritis, facial pain, pain and cancer pain after the operation.

United States, one in four adults report to be suffering from some kind of pain more than a day. Although there are many drugs for pain relief, these drugs also have side effects. Acupuncture is becoming more reliable alternative medicine to relieve pain and, unlike conventional medicine, it does little to no side effects. Over 3 million people each year receive acupuncture treatment in the United States demonstrates the efficacy and safety of acupuncture for pain management.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Acupuncture to Increase Sperm Motility

The cause of the infertility of a couple may lie with the man or woman in the relationship when both sexes are affected by fertility problems. When you meet with infertility, it is important to consult a fertility specialist to help determine what could be causing the problem so treatment may be given. Treatment that was used by many couples and individuals is acupuncture.

It is an ancient Chinese treatment that has been used for thousands of years to relieve various ailments, including pain. It is used most often in the West. Doctors believe that life energy called qi flows through the body and when blocked, can occur under certain conditions such as infertility. Acupuncture works to release this energy.

While the reasons for the success of acupuncture is not fully understood, has improved the circulation in the reproductive organs, increasing the thickness of the lining of the uterus, improving the quality of the eggs and can improve the efficiency of drugs for fertility.

For men, acupuncture can improve sperm quality and can improve sperm motility. Acupuncture can be an effective way to reduce stress and stress can be a big inhibitor for fertility. There are many benefits of acupuncture and is often helpful to talk with a specialist to learn more about what this treatment can do and what to expect during and after treatment.

In a study of 28 men with idiopathic infertility, which means that the cause was unknown who received acupuncture twice a week for five weeks, levels of motility improved in men receiving acupuncture compared to those without. Those who received acupuncture also saw changes in the structure of sperm and semen quality.

Men whose sperm quality, mobility, or the count may be in question may find acupuncture helpful. Moreover, in cases where the cause of infertility is unknown, acupuncture may be recommended as well. Simply reducing stress can be helpful in some cases and can lead to success.

For many, acupuncture can be recommended for use in endometriosis, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), poor egg quality, low ovarian reserve, advanced age, recurrent miscarriage, etc.. Men with low sperm count or sperm DNA fragmentation can be encouraged to give acupuncture a try. What's more, acupuncture can be recommended for couples or people who participate in infertility treatments like in vitro fertilization or other assisted reproduction techniques.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Acupuncture For Psoriasis

Using acupuncture to help psoriasis can be unusual and, indeed, this is an ancient Chinese practice is not used for the treatment of psoriasis in China. Since this condition is relatively rare in China, there should be no need to use it. As science and nature has not found a cure for psoriasis and some swear by the use of acupuncture to soothe the sores and lesions of psoriasis, perhaps this is a natural alternative to try.

The severe psoriasis affects approximately 2% of the population in the United States and Australia. In addition, about 20% of the population suffers from mild to severe condition. In addition, thousands of new cases reported each year to psoriasis, a significant problem throughout the world. The exact cause is unknown, but it is known that this condition does not apply to only the top layer of skin, it is very likely to be related to malfunction of the immune system that causes some cells to become overactive and produce sores and related harm the condition.

Acupuncture is used to thin, long needles are inserted into the body at certain points of the "network" signal paths, which correspond to the problem area. This may or may not include the treatment of the affected area, when we are trying to solve the problem. The signals are transmitted via acupuncture techniques for which they are careful placement of needles into the body.

While practicing Western acupuncture practice of law in the treatment of psoriasis, there is little clinical evidence to support it. This may be due to individual differences in how psoriasis occurs in one person over another. Unfortunately, this is a matter of trial and error in an attempt to calm down and deal with the disease.

If you are looking for a quick recovery to look elsewhere because you will need several sessions to see if acupuncture for psoriasis works for you. The good news is obviously that there are no side effects, unless of course you have an aversion to needles that can bring your blood pressure up or cause an anxiety attack! If this is you, you may be relieved to know that the practice is now often done by means of electrical currents and small probes instead of needles. This more modern technique said to be as effective as the use of needles.

Improve Vision With Acupuncture

As we age, we experience different changes. Our skin is dry, your muscles weaken and experience different eye conditions such as having blurred vision. Blurred vision is not new in our generation.Even young people have blurred vision and need glasses at an early age. If you are nearsighted or farsighted, blurred vision, not a healthy state and that can affect your daily life.

There are several reasons to doubt the visions. May be due to use on the eyes, read books, in a dark room, staring at a computer all day, excessive exposure to bright light, like sunlight and insufficient sleep. Sometimes we can not stay away from doing these activities, and becomes a daily routine. If you still do these activities, you will have the opportunity to acquire a number of serious ocular complications such as cataracts. You have to have surgery to remove these complications. And each medical activity, it will cost you money. If you do not want to end up with an ophthalmologist, it is best to take care of your eyes.

Today, there are different ways to improve your sight and one of them is to use acupuncture. This treatment allows your body to promote natural healing abilities. It relaxes your body and keep you out of stress. And recent research shows that acupuncture helps to improve blurred vision.

In recent studies, MRI of the brain differently, found that when acupuncture needles inserted into points on the body, it will stimulate a response in the brain that corresponds to the points inserted. According to experts, found objects for a better view could be found on the foot of a person. Several reasons for blurred vision can also be found in the liver. Inserting needles in the liver area has also proved effective in improving the vision of one person.

Acupuncture uses fine needles that cause no pain compared with usual sewing needles. It has been shown to have many positive effects, to help improve individual well-being, promote better health and stronger immune system. It also allows your body to regenerate faster and repair damaged cells.

Today there are many acupuncturists. It is also important to know the skills and abilities acupuncturist. Be wise about choosing, because the incorrect insertion can cause big problems. But if handled with a professional, many benefits can be finally reached.

How to Manage a Stressful Day

Stress is very harmful for everyone. We can not say stay away from stress, but the fact is that you can not because the factors of stress are everywhere. Many people have been affected by stress and only a few people are aware of the management. Daily activities full of moments of stress, and it is true that whenever we are under the influence of stress, we are not aware of this and we still do things that make us more stress. Some people find it stressful to solve the problem of view, literally.
However, stress should not be considered a problem because it will only increase your stress level. Instead, you should consider it as a challenge, because when you look at it this way, you really know how to overcome it.

A stressful day can be avoided when you know the proper treatment of stress and problems. We have to accept that stress is with us every day and we need to get used to it. Know the facts stress to help you get going, they'll follow your instructions for a better resistance to stress.
Furthermore, one of the best ways to resolve the tension is to provide a record of stress is good, because all you have to do is list all the things or events that will make you stress. Sometimes we are oblivious to the tension and the review of stress, you will be able to wake up from this ignorance. Having a daily schedule of activities is another factor to give the answer to your stressful day. Calendar will give you a guide to what things are done in each specific day, and the good thing is that you will not be rushed and under pressure.

Overall, there is a lot of things we can do so, we give the solution to a stressful day. It 'best to become more aware of stress, because it can give an idea of ​​how to fight it. None of us likes to suffer from stress because of its side effects, such as aging and more serious health problems when not treated. It is best to take a break and time to relax. Do not push your mind too much and it just always a positive thinker, so you really feel the joy of your day, in particular, stay away from stress.

The Role of The Shadow In The Healing of Acupuncture

The concept of Shadow has been central to many rules of indigenous healing shamanic healing modern psycho-analytic works of Carl Jung. The New Age of the world, you can get pretty dark, and mystified as the traditional "healer" is a journey into a dark world for one is healed. But it's not so mysterious - and when I realized - it can be a great tool to organize the understanding of the healing journey.

You can not talk about the health of modern humans regardless of the environment. Every day, every day from birth, we were asked to process information and stimuli that is often in direct conflict with our ideals, beliefs or the way we see ourselves. To guard against going crazy, our mind creates a reservoir that does not fit our environment. Nothing in this tank until it has been judged harshly by ourselves or others. So - they begin to deny that we really are to adapt to our environment.

I would go one step further and say that this reservoir are unprocessed traumas that were too difficult to palpate. All trauma requires a full version so it does not affect our health - which means that many feel the pain. But we prefer to keep the shade as much as possible in order to continue to participate in society. But in the shadow wants to go - and what's more, we have to fill our destiny.

In my acupuncture practice, I saw that deep healing occurs during the process of acupuncture for various reasons. One of the main reasons to do, especially since the practice in New York, is that during acupuncture, people take linear time. Are released from the universe in three dimensions and time demands and reactions. In most cases, are able to discard everything that is pulling down and are able to go to a place where the conscious and the subconscious can be mixed and integrated. When this happens, move more and more together.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Menstrual Irregularities

Although PMS and menstrual irregularities are modern Western disease categories, Chinese doctors treated what they call "the movement of menstrual diseases" (SPM) and "menstrual diseases" (menstrual irregularities) for millennia.
Menstrual disorders consists of the menstrual cycle in which "period" or menstruation coming "late", "early or" any fixed date. "Menstrual disorders also include situations where there is uterine bleeding during the time period and / or persistent uterine bleeding at irregular intervals (menorrhagia / metorrhagia) the absence of periods (amenorrhoea), painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), ovarian cysts and endometriosis.
According to the theory of Chinese medicine, is very clear in each of these mechanisms are premenstrual symptoms, as well as the "state of health of the menstrual cycle," above. It 'time for each of these treatments tested. These may include acupuncture and / or Chinese herbal medicine. Care ", the business of menstrual disorders" / PMS and menstrual irregularities, some will start 28-30 days during the woman's menstrual cycle, and will depend on how your symptoms. These treatments, with changes in diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.

"Menstrual movement diseases", aka, PMS, is best characterized by the array of possible symptoms that may accompany "this time of the month" such as:
- Nervous tension and Fatigue
- Breast Distention, Pain & Lumps
- Abdominal Distention and Pain
- Headache & Body Pain
- Diarrhea, Vomiting and Nausea
- Constipation, Bloating
- Nosebleed, Bloody stools &/or urine
- Fever, Asthma or Recurrent Colds
- Rashes & Acne
- Changes in Appetite & Cravings
- Changes in Emotions & Irritability

And the ultimate goal of this therapy is to teach women about what foods to avoid and how to organize their lives in order to help manage their condition (s) and help to prevent recurrent symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. In addition, using theories and diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine, we advise every woman, what vitamins and minerals, that you can do it for the treatment even more effective.
Such treatment not only suppress symptoms and regulate the menstrual cycle, but the mechanism for rebalancing the body, resulting in vibrant good health and a renewed sense of balance and harmony.

Using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, all the major organs and intestines in harmony, as well as, a woman's qi, blood and body fluids. Western medicine describes the mechanisms of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual irregularities in terms of hormones, prostaglandins, and neurotransmitters. Even if all these are true and valid, such as biochemical descriptions are to educate and empower women.

Although the Chinese concepts of qi and blood, Yin and Yang, the five elements and twelve organs and intestines may appear primitive and unscientific, however, they have proven their value in clinical practice working in more than 100 generations . Using these concepts, women are educated and independent in a very human practice. No one can control their secretion of estradiol, but "living qi stagnation" may be mitigated by exercise, relaxation and acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine properly.


Menopause is not in itself a disease. It is a normal physiological change, the natural way to slow the aging process in women of childbearing age. Unfortunately, many women do not cross the dawn quickly and seamlessly. When this happens, they can experience something of a series of signs and symptoms.
These include:
- Hot Flashes
-Night sweating
- Menstrual Irregularity
- Uterine Spotting and Flooding
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Palpitations
- Migraines
- Insomnia
- Vaginal Dryness & Atrophy
- Vaginal Itching
- Osteoporosis

Traditional Chinese medicine is over 2000 years, professional medical system and gynecology are his specialties. In gynecology, Chinese, menopausal syndrome is a condition recognized and treated. In fact it is a condition most easily and successfully treated by Chinese medicine (as menopause is natural and non-surgical).

Chinese doctors may use acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine, or both to treat symptoms of menopause. Both methods, doctors are trying to nourish and supplement the liver and kidneys, increase and strengthen the spleen qi, nourish the heart and peace of mind, a clear pathogenic heat and lowering of yang energy.

According to Chinese medical theory, menopause occurs when, due to the natural process of aging, without loss of blood is draining from your body and in particular the kidneys, Chinese medicine believes that the root organ of life and longevity. Therefore, the body in its wisdom to reverse the flow of a canal in the center of the body to send blood to the uterus through the heart. Instead, blood and kidney essence is sent to the heart to nourish the spirit of women. Therefore, in traditional cultures, menopausal women are considered to be midwives, because the spirit of the heart is nourished and enlightened in a way that did not exist before.

West not only Chinese doctors use acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to treat menopausal complaints but also typically advise patients on diet, exercise and lifestyle, and therefore to treat the whole person and to the balance in all aspects of the patient's life. These therapies are without side effects when administered correctly by a qualified and professional Chinese medicine.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Various Stress Relievers

We must accept the fact that stress is inevitable and we must face in our daily lives. There are several things to consider when you are stressed. You must know how to manage stress or you will be threatened by adverse effects, such as various health problems.
Stress is not considered a problem, because it just makes more influenced by the thought of the solution. The best thing is to do things that will alleviate your stress. It 'really a lot of things that can help relieve the tension that we are going through. Handling too much pressure will certainly not be good for us, so we really need to take a break and relax.

Listen to music - Listen to classical music in particular gives a really good time. To adopt a strategy will help the brain to relax and reduce tension in that it deals with. Together, listening to music, you can dream of the days of your plans for the future, and something about what you want. Day dreaming is another strategy to stress, which is almost associated with listening to the music. It is a strategy that takes the imagination in different ways, which is far from thinking problems.

Massage - the stress a person can no longer respond to personal needs, like the rest and breaks. I was certainly rubbed stress and procrastination. Massage can help a lot of our physical well-being, why can not fill our strength.

Breathing - this is a good technique for restoration. When we are stressed, it seems that we can not breathe properly because of the problems we are experiencing heavy and the breathing technique, you can easily restore your system or oxygen - a break for a while to deep inhalation and the exhalation will probably give you the opportunity to gain extra strength to your problems.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Male Factor Problems and Fertility

One of the best kept secrets in the world of infertility is that, believe it or not, "human factor" plays an important role in up to 50% of infertility cases.

Despite the figure, only a small fraction (about 5%) of our patients are officially diagnosed with a form of "male factor" involvement. However, when the sperm of the variables taken into account (eg, sperm count, motility, morphology, etc.) Many people are swept away like only a "borderline case" male factor in participation, and describes the limits does not have an impact. "Borderline case" value for value is still technically a "sub-normal" and the other is really "optimal". The fact is that most of the increase in medical clinics only need one sperm to fertilize an egg with the process of IVF called ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection). Thus, with regard to assisted reproductive technology for male infertility part of the equation is a twisted little or no attention

Unfortunately, this ignores the very important facts. For starters, many clinics do not see three important factors: the number of sperm, sperm motility and sperm morphology. However, there are many other aspects of sperm health beyond these three. Appearance is not everything in the world of sperm. For example, newer technology now shows that there may be significant DNA fragmentation (DNA damage) in sperm cells that "look good" and showed "normal" according to the basic parameters ... and DNA fragmentation is a test. There are many other potential factors that contribute to suboptimal sperm that science has not yet identified.

Prepare Conception

Believe it or not, the health of your child is influenced by many things that occur before he or she is even conceived. Biologically, the body's internal environment to the design is extremely powerful influence on the future health of your child and well-being. Experiments on mice have shown that the nutritional status of mothers during the first 4 days after conception (even before the embryo was implanted in the uterus) had a huge impact on health in later mouse life.

To prepare for the design, there are a number of measures that should be addressed:

 First, we need to assess and reduce the toxins in your body. Many of the circulating toxins can cross the placenta and can adversely affect fetal development. Second, we must optimize their nutrition and dietetics. There are a lot of research on how nutrition and diet affect fetal development. It is important to identify and correct inadequate food and the digestive system as a healthy digestive system and effectively as an individual is healthy and nutritious.

Finally, we need to address the underlying weaknesses in the constitutional and other pre-existing conditions. For example, if you have cardiovascular conditions that are not treated can lead to high-risk pregnancy. Even things that are borderline normal prior to conception, such as glucose, which is at the upper end of normal, may be gestational diabetes.
It is quite true that "an ounce of prevention is better than cure". Addressing these issues before the design can not only help improve the chances of conception and pregnancy, but can also help optimize the health of your baby during pregnancy and after delivery.
If you are generally healthy, without pre-existing conditions, which must come at least six months before (+/-) hours will start trying to conceive. If you have a pre-existing condition should come at least 6-12 months previous (+/-). Conditions such as obesity or other serious medical conditions may require more than 12 months of treatment.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

About Fertility

The debate and research below provides information on infertility, based on our best knowledge, understanding and daily practice. That is not a substitute for care from your doctor.
There are many causal factors that can cause infertility. Both of these systems, Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), are the insights and understanding of the causes and pathophysiological mechanisms of human infertility, and therefore, the management approaches are described below.

Requires balanced fertility hormones in reproductive organs structurally sound, healthy and nutritious diet and clean. Even with the above in place, the chances of a healthy couple of conception each month is only 25%. The paradigm of Chinese medicine, "Fertility" is equivalent to an obstruction, the free flow of Qi, blood and body fluids in the body, so that a balanced sound reproduction that produces fluctuations in the body's Yin and Yang . For the reproductive system to function at its peak, there must be a balance between all these components and systems of the body.

A couple is considered infertile if after a year of unprotected sex, which were not designed. Infertility is a growing problem, especially in the United States, where infertility affects about 15% of women with $ 1 billion spent annually on treatment. In approximately 10% of cases, the exact reason is unknown. In other cases, reproductive problems, whether male or female, or both are sterile, representing approximately 18% of the population according to 2005 statistics from the National CDC.

Fertility program at our clinic that uses acupuncture, Chinese medicine, herbal and nutritional therapies to enhance fertility, improve the overall health and support the ability to become pregnant and bear a healthy baby to term . This treatment method is also used for the treatment program before the overall design.
Pre-Conception Care is a necessary and very important when planning a pregnancy. A healthy, balanced, and the right of the menstrual cycle, as well as healthy, and the eggs depends on the health and well-being of a woman wishes to become pregnant.

Pregnancy occurs when conditions allow the correct timing. Achieving these conditions can be a challenge for many couples, so it is very important to consider a holistic approach. Working with natural conception, we focus on the restoration of fertility by restoring the proper functioning of the body as a whole.
There is a tendency for many patients and doctors to focus almost exclusively on the genitals. Our experience suggests that this approach is often inadequate (as evidenced by the fact that many patients seek us because they have failed conventional medical treatment). We will find good results when it comes to overall health and wellbeing of people. When general health is beginning to change, fertility is often restored automatically. Of course, there are many things that must be addressed directly to the genitals: and that definitely require special skills, but we never could get different results that we see in Chinese medicine, if only focused on the reproductive system.

Note that each of its organs plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy indoor environment. If none of these organs can not function optimally, which can affect your ability to get pregnant and health from your baby if you are pregnant. For this reason, our program in a natural conception to Chinese medicine not only in the treatment and optimizing the function of reproduction, it is actually making healthy couples.

Want to Diet? Try Acupuncture!

If you gave any weight loss plan or a test mode results are not without hope. Acupuncture can help you achieve your weight loss goals. There are many reasons why people become obese - hormonal balance, a slower metabolism, overeating, poor diet and lack of exercise are among the most common.

Acupuncture is not a miracle worker, but it can help increase your metabolism and increase circulation in the body (better blood and oxygen maintains the health of the body).
Acupuncture effects every major system in our body and can even lower levels of insulin and lipids.
The use of acupuncture needles helps to mobilize body energy reserves, leading to weight loss and reduces cholesterol. Patients find that their cravings for sweets and carbohydrates is reduced, and even experience a decrease in appetite.

Electrical stimulation of the stomach can help to strengthen the abdominal muscles and shrink the stomach. For effective weight control, acupuncturists aim to take the four acupuncture points on the ear - the point of starvation, Shen Men point, the abdominal section, and point the endocrine system.

 Acupuncture can also be administered to patients with ear seeds, natural seeds, which can be placed on these specific points in the ear with adhesive tape. Replaced by seeds is stimulated by the patient and can help control hunger and stress. In addition, songs can be used to "detoxify" your body, eliminating toxins and improves circulation. After several treatments, patients can see the positive changes in the body, such as improved sleep and energy.
Although acupuncture is a wonderful option to help with weight loss, treatment alone does not lead to permanent weight loss. Patients should consult their physician about 5-6 weekly treatments to help balance the body and gradually their place in the coming months of maintenance (for a total of 10 treatments). In addition, patients still have a good diet rich in fruits and vegetables (limit processed foods and fight for organic) and exercise. When selecting an acupuncturist in your area, choose a qualified doctor. Most states require acupuncturists to be licensed, which means that all tests have passed the National Council and has completed the education and training.
If you find that your weight loss has stalled, it might be time for your body to achieve an objective. Acupuncture can help the body running smoothly and efficiently and help you lose those 10 pounds.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Spine Acupuncture for chest pain

The pain of the thoracic spine is sometimes difficult to help than the rest of backache. Some patients with type B, localized pain in the thoracic vertebrae, spines, and in these cases, the periosteal needling of these works well. Needling remote and the back, arm, or ulnar border of the Palm (SI 3) can also help the thoracic spinal pain. Chest pain usually does well, the local needling over the painful area itself is effective.

Most acupuncture treating musculoskeletal disorders. Acupuncture can also be used to treat a variety of ailments that are not - or not openly - related to the musculoskeletal system.

This is critical both for forensic purposes and future reference. In practice, tend to use a mixture of traditional and modern terminology to describe my treatment. If a traditional acupuncture points on the site I used, I note that if you use a description based on Western anatomical terminology. I also save the side (L or R) and other relevant information such as length of the needle (rare) and the effects, if any.
Note that in many cases it is not possible to assign a formal diagnosis for a patient has symptoms or other label used (eg "OA") is quite regrettable. This is not to arrive at a pathological diagnosis is not relevant, but rather that acupuncture can be used in cases where no formal diagnosis has been found despite extensive studies.

Chronic Pain Can Be Helped By Acupuncture

Acupuncture for pain can be used to treat knee pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, and many types of diseases. Although these drugs is still considered the norm in many parts of East Asia, is considered "alternative medicine" in much of the western world.

Although its reputation is growing rapidly as an alternative to traditional drugs, TCM is often misunderstood and considered, in practice, as the "voodoo" or drugs "Gypsy." In fact, TCM has been tested and could probably be the safest type of drug available. TCM does not depend on modern medicines, but aims to promote the body's own defenses and healing powers in the prevention and cure of diseases. In many ways, these traditional therapies are quite a few 'more practical and less invasive than the medical practices of today.

Most of us Westerners feel that we have found in the human body in high school that the "real reality" description of the facts, not a single description possible. However, if Chinese medicine is making sense of the West in any way, we have the capability of the idea that it is likely to find another legal description of the human body, skills, health and disease. Map of Western human biological morphology is the most likely map of precious health. Not much more accurate than traditional Chinese medicine card, which took over 2,000 years of China to develop.

 Perhaps one of the best known techniques associated with traditional Chinese medicine is acupuncture therapy. This involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body of a patient, with the idea to increase circulation and balance, or Qi, throughout the body. The treatment of ancient China is based on the theory that illness and disease is caused by an interruption in the flow of body energy and blood, especially in case of pain. In this case, the Qi and blood can not circulate freely, either because they are blocked for any reason, simply is not enough Qi and blood to promote and maintain speed. One might say, if freedom of movement, no pain If there is free movement, no pain

Functions for manipulating the needle to restore movement and provide assistance to a variety of ailments. Due to the fact that works to promote the personal ability of the body to eliminate pain and disease, acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicine can treat many types of disorders treated well.

Although it may seem an unusual significantly related to the practice of health for people unfamiliar with it, is actually in fact a long and proven method of reducing a variety of ailments. A final exam at the University of Maryland acupuncture on pain found that a large majority of people, acupuncture for pain had a positive impact on affected people suffer from back pain. The review of acupuncture for chronic back pain doctors examined 33 studies and found that most people have made substantial short-term relief. With these research results and many others shed light on the increased health benefits of acupuncture, it may be obvious that such action must have a place in modern medicine.

Another common method of treatment of TCM in the treatment of acute and chronic pain is massage Tuina. This means pushing and grabbing. However, Chinese medical massage consists of a number of other manipulations and massage was developed as a high art in China, and there is a separate clinic devoted to the practice in most hospitals of Chinese medicine. This type of massage apply special techniques to achieve a therapeutic effect is very specific and designed to open directly and immediately regulate the flow of Qi and blood in the canals and boats. Chinese medical massage is an important method in the treatment of any condition, especially the pain has been a popular method for treatment of injuries of athletes from Eastern martial arts.

Cupping Massage is another technique often used in TCM. This technique works on the same principles of acupuncture and Tuina massage, but uses some very interesting methods. This type of massage, a number of glass cups are heated and put into the body. When the air expands in these cups, the suction created that pulls the patient's body. With the oils and these cups can be moved, providing a massage inversion pressure. They are commonly used for things such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, tennis elbow, back pain, and many other common ailments.

Another very common, and perhaps the most widely accepted treatment TCM among Westerners, the Chinese herbal medicine. In this type of treatment, the individual is prescribed a herbal remedy based on their different needs. These herbal treatments to boost the function of balance and harmony through the body from the inside out. Herbal formulas often contain up to 25 different Chinese herbs, and may differ from one patient completely different. Chinese herbal medicine works, not only to treat the symptoms of some diseases, but the power to promote proper healing. Herbal treatment is not always taken only during the illness, you can take a lifetime to ensure harmony and balance in the body.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture techniques have evolved over the years to better and better pinpoint people's ailments and health issues. Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative medicine based in Chinese history. It is a Taoist based philosophy where meditation and the flow of positive energy or chi inside and outside the body is controlled. The needles used for shifting the energy flow first were made from refined stone. Here are 4 benefits of acupuncture.

Acupuncture has grown in popularity as alternative medicine techniques have become more and more popular and mainstream. One of the main benefits of acupuncture is to improve the quality of your sleep and promote a good appetite. Sleep disorders and having trouble with insomnia are a widespread problem. When you choose to use acupuncture to cure your sleep troubles, bear in mind, that you won't see immediate results. However, after staying with it, you will notice your overall quality of life improving very much.

Another use of acupuncture is to cure mental health issues and get positive energy flowing thoroughly through your body. The needles used in acupuncture are placed in such a way that it promotes overall well-being. Some areas can be targeted to improve mental outlook and overall positivity. The unconventional treatment of acupuncture also benefits people who have suffered from chronic conditions such as back pains that never disappear, painful headaches and migraines, cancer, depression, sleep disorders, and many other emotional and physical disorders.

That's where we come to the acupuncture benefit of releasing positive energy which promotes healing, relieves stress, and reduces the risk of emotional disorders such as depression. Meditation and focusing on the breath is a proven technique for releasing toxic thoughts and toxic energies. That is why acupuncture is a good overall stress reliever.

Finally, there is the use of acupuncture to promote sexual well-being and improve fertility. Many fertility specialists recommend the use of acupuncture as a supplement to the medical and scientific techniques being used. It helps improve women or men's fertility state by decreasing stress and targeting the reproductive organs.

Before trying acupuncture, be sure to check that the acupuncture practitioners who administer the treatment have gone through proper training and are licensed to practice. You can check any reliable local directory to investigate whether the clinic and the one who administer the acupuncture have good reviews from their previous patients. Sometimes, acupuncture practitioners are even listed in the Better Business Bureau.

Before submitting yourself to acupuncture benefits, you need to make sure that the who administer the acupuncture have undergone thorough training and it is licensed to practice. Check your local directory and investigate whether that clinic and the one who will administer have good reviews from their previous patients. It is better to be sure and safe than be sorry later. Once you do that, you will easily find that acupuncture is an excellent alternative medicine which eases chronic pain and promotes overall well being.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that treats a person according to their individual symptoms, rather than a western diagnosis. It uses a holistic approach and looks at person's lifestyle, as well as their physical and emotional problems. No two people will be treated in exactly the same way, even if they share the same western diagnosis

Acupuncture is thought to date as far back to 200 BCE, where the earliest written record of it can be found. Acupuncture works by regulating the flow of energy within the body. When a person's energy or qi is blocked or diminished, this can result in poor physical and emotional wellbeing. Fine acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points within the body, to help this energy flow more freely or to actually build upon the energy. Acupuncture is a safe and affective form of treatment for a wide variety of ailments and illness that range from emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia and stress as well as other conditions such as migraines, infertility, muscular skeletal conditions, arthritis and many more.

 Most patients find the treatment itself highly relaxing and all the needles that are used are extremely fine and do not cause pain on insertion. Needles are left in for approximately 20 minutes and during this time people fall into a highly relaxed state. Many people find themselves falling asleep while their bodies begin to re-balance themselves. Acupuncture is used not only as way of restoring ill health but also as way a preventative treatment. It can be incorporated into someone's weekly routine in the same way that a person may choose to go to the gym and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
In my own experience as a TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) acupuncturist I have found it to be successful with a broad range of issues. In particular people living in a western society find themselves working long hours and showing signs of increased stress, which can result in signs of high blood pressure. Along with long working hours often comes little time to spend on healthy meals and a need to unwind which may often include high consumptions of alcohol, smoking and drug takings; all of which have an effect on an individuals well being.

I have found acupuncture to have a profound effect on stress levels and allow a person to feel more harmonised and balanced. This gives a person more clarity to make better decisions and as a result can often lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Yoga Books For A Great Workout

Leslie Kaminoff writes Yoga Anatomy, a book that provides step by step instructions on the various poses that you can take when performing yoga. They have photos as well as tips on how to perfect the pose and more importantly the beneficial effects of doing yoga at all and how it works in relation to the spine, breathing, and your entire body. The principles of yoga are outline and defined in the book so not only will you learn how to do it you will also learn the deeper meaning behind the exercise and see just why and how it is benefiting you. Whether you are a newcomer or someone who has been partaking in yoga for a long time, this book will still provide a valuable and rich experience.

B.K.S Iyengar writes Light on Yoga, a book that seeks to explain and explore the philosophy behind yoga and the various ways that discipline is necessary for body and mind. There are illustrations of all the breathing and positions as well as the descriptions of why these are essential for the body and the mind and the effect that it has on both. For someone seeking to really deepen their view of the subject, this book has great tips and a helpful foreword.

Cyndi Dale writes The Subtle Body, which seeks to argue that all healers use energy in order to help the body achieve a better spiritual, mental, and emotional state of being. This book produces an anatomy for these things, these unseen factors such as our spirit and mind, and shows the ways in which healing can affect these parts of your body. The unseen fields hinge upon the physical condition but can be affected and bettered with various breathing methods and exercises so that you get a really deep kind of therapy in your life.

Ray Long writes The Key Muscles of Yoga, a book that seeks to show the most important muscles that are affected by yoga and the ways in which that helps your body overall. Coming with a science perspective, the book allows you to really get an anatomical sense of how yoga is benefiting you as well as to see it all through color and three-dimensional photos that can help you understand just how it is affecting your overall person. No matter if you are just starting out or if you are an expert, this book will have something for you.

Finally, Martin Kirk writes Hatha Yoga Illustrated, a book t hat seeks to give you a complete intro on the benefits of yoga on certain focal points of your body and how it can affect your emotional wellness, overall. It takes the theories of hatha and anusara yoga and makes it accessible to people so that they can better figure out how to make it a useful thing in their lives. If you seek to get the benefits of yoga, then look no further than this book that will help you figure out all the important aspects of it in a way that will benefit you.

Alignment In Yoga Asanas Also Very Important

For teachers and practitioners of Yoga, it is easy to get caught up in the challenge of a pose. You strain muscles and stretch limbs to reach the perfect expression, demonstrated by a teacher, a video, a picture, or just depicted within your mind's eye. Yet, by striving for perfection in your poses, you can often lose sight of what is much more important in practicing Yoga - whatever your perceived level: The alignment of the asana.

Expert Author Paul JerardAsanas, positions, or poses in Hatha Yoga, can be practiced at many levels, from easy to difficult. Making sure that your asana is aligned, means paying attention not only to the shape your body is trying to make, but what muscles and leverage it is using to get there. In Downward Facing Dog, for example, the general shape of the pose is a triangle, with one line formed by your torso and arms, and the other line formed by your legs, as you face the ground. The value of the pose, however, comes from the alignment of your limbs and your muscles, with feet, hips, shoulders, and hands all in the same line, and equal support coming from your upper and lower body.

Alignment is crucial to a beneficial Hatha Yoga practice for several reasons. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, proper alignment is essential to avoid injury during practice. If your shoulders, hips, knees, or neck, are out of line with the rest of the pose, straining or spraining becomes much more likely - no matter how experienced you may be. Especially, when asanas increase in difficulty for more athletic Yoga practitioners, proper alignment is even more important. For those who "already know what they are doing," the ego may push them further than they should safely be.

Additionally, proper alignment in a Yoga pose helps you to get the most out of your practice. Your body can take shortcuts in the way that you approach certain poses, even when you are consciously trying your best. In Warrior I, for example, checking to make sure that your shoulders are aligned with your hips, as you reach for the sky, engages your lower and upper back muscles. This engagement not only makes your pose more stable in the moment, but it also strengthens more muscles with the same amount of practice. In turn, this will speed up your physical results and produce a more toned physique. Every Yoga practitioner, from the most experienced teacher to the most novice beginner, can benefit from focusing on alignment.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blood Banks Also Need Viagra Dose

It’s hard to argue with blood transfusions. Each year, nearly 5 million Americans receive them, and for many patients it’s a definitively life-saving therapy. There is, of course, a risk in transmitting diseases like hepatitis and HIV through transfusion, but modern operations can all but eliminate that threat. Curiously, however, there have been persistent observations about another problem with blood transfusion: In some settings, blood transfusions worked less effectively than expected, but no one knew exactly why. Now two groups at Duke University may have found the reason: the loss of the molecule nitric oxide from stored blood.

Nitric oxide is one of those "big" molecules. Its first biological effects were described in the 1970s, and in the 1980s it was determined that the gas contributes to the normal dilation of blood vessels. This led to an avalanche of research, a 1998 Nobel Prize for its discoverers, and, most famously, the creation of Viagra. (For those of you who are wondering, nitric oxide is not laughing gas. That’s nitrous oxide. Mixing up the two could presumably cause some very undesired results.)

In papers published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, two teams at Duke showed that the nitric oxide normally found in red blood cells disappeared within a few hours of the blood being processed for transfusion. When animals in lab studies received transfusions of the nitric oxide–depleted blood, their blood vessels did not dilate to normal levels, decreasing the amount of blood—and oxygen—that gets delivered to muscle and other tissue. Replacing the nitric oxide, a relatively simple procedure, made the transfused blood effective at expanding blood vessels and delivering more oxygen.

This is the kind of study everyone likes. It answers a question that has been bothering people for a long time, the answer makes sense, and the potential solution is straightforward. If this work can be duplicated in other animals and then in humans, it could go a long way toward making blood transfusions a safer and more effective option for patients who need them.

Schizophrenics & Mental Health

If you had to pick one disease not to get, schizophrenia would have to be at or near the top of your list. Schizophrenia typically affects young adults, who are suddenly plunged into a world of delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia. Fifty years ago, neuroscientists and psychiatrists identified dopamine, one of the many molecules that brain cells use to communicate, as the bad actor in this story. A half century later, drugs that block dopamine action in the brain continue to be the mainstay of schizophrenia treatment. However, these drugs often control only the most dramatic symptoms, and they leave many patients with highly unpleasant side effects, like tremors and uncontrollable lip smacking. Now a new study suggests that researchers may have found a new class of drugs that could revolutionize the treatment of schizophrenia.

Numerous medicines we use today were discovered by accident, and this new drug likewise received a nudge by an unlikely source: the street drug PCP, or angel dust. Many years ago, researchers observed that people who take PCP often experience symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia. It was also known that PCP affects the action of glutamate, an important brain-signaling peptide. Even more intriguing, glutamate modulates how dopamine works. Once they saw this set of connections, researchers began hunting for a glutamate-related drug to treat schizophrenia.

This research finally paid off with a report in Nature Medicine by scientists at Eli Lilly showing that a glutamate-related drug (named LY2140023, for now) appears to be a safe and effective treatment for schizophrenia—at least in short-term trials with a small number of patients. Patients who received the drug experienced improvement in most of their symptoms when compared with placebo, with none of the side effects associated with more traditional dopamine medications.
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