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Friday, July 8, 2011

Menstrual Irregularities

Although PMS and menstrual irregularities are modern Western disease categories, Chinese doctors treated what they call "the movement of menstrual diseases" (SPM) and "menstrual diseases" (menstrual irregularities) for millennia.
Menstrual disorders consists of the menstrual cycle in which "period" or menstruation coming "late", "early or" any fixed date. "Menstrual disorders also include situations where there is uterine bleeding during the time period and / or persistent uterine bleeding at irregular intervals (menorrhagia / metorrhagia) the absence of periods (amenorrhoea), painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), ovarian cysts and endometriosis.
According to the theory of Chinese medicine, is very clear in each of these mechanisms are premenstrual symptoms, as well as the "state of health of the menstrual cycle," above. It 'time for each of these treatments tested. These may include acupuncture and / or Chinese herbal medicine. Care ", the business of menstrual disorders" / PMS and menstrual irregularities, some will start 28-30 days during the woman's menstrual cycle, and will depend on how your symptoms. These treatments, with changes in diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.

"Menstrual movement diseases", aka, PMS, is best characterized by the array of possible symptoms that may accompany "this time of the month" such as:
- Nervous tension and Fatigue
- Breast Distention, Pain & Lumps
- Abdominal Distention and Pain
- Headache & Body Pain
- Diarrhea, Vomiting and Nausea
- Constipation, Bloating
- Nosebleed, Bloody stools &/or urine
- Fever, Asthma or Recurrent Colds
- Rashes & Acne
- Changes in Appetite & Cravings
- Changes in Emotions & Irritability

And the ultimate goal of this therapy is to teach women about what foods to avoid and how to organize their lives in order to help manage their condition (s) and help to prevent recurrent symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. In addition, using theories and diagnostic methods of Chinese medicine, we advise every woman, what vitamins and minerals, that you can do it for the treatment even more effective.
Such treatment not only suppress symptoms and regulate the menstrual cycle, but the mechanism for rebalancing the body, resulting in vibrant good health and a renewed sense of balance and harmony.

Using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, all the major organs and intestines in harmony, as well as, a woman's qi, blood and body fluids. Western medicine describes the mechanisms of premenstrual syndrome and menstrual irregularities in terms of hormones, prostaglandins, and neurotransmitters. Even if all these are true and valid, such as biochemical descriptions are to educate and empower women.

Although the Chinese concepts of qi and blood, Yin and Yang, the five elements and twelve organs and intestines may appear primitive and unscientific, however, they have proven their value in clinical practice working in more than 100 generations . Using these concepts, women are educated and independent in a very human practice. No one can control their secretion of estradiol, but "living qi stagnation" may be mitigated by exercise, relaxation and acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine properly.

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