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Sunday, July 3, 2011


Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that treats a person according to their individual symptoms, rather than a western diagnosis. It uses a holistic approach and looks at person's lifestyle, as well as their physical and emotional problems. No two people will be treated in exactly the same way, even if they share the same western diagnosis

Acupuncture is thought to date as far back to 200 BCE, where the earliest written record of it can be found. Acupuncture works by regulating the flow of energy within the body. When a person's energy or qi is blocked or diminished, this can result in poor physical and emotional wellbeing. Fine acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points within the body, to help this energy flow more freely or to actually build upon the energy. Acupuncture is a safe and affective form of treatment for a wide variety of ailments and illness that range from emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, insomnia and stress as well as other conditions such as migraines, infertility, muscular skeletal conditions, arthritis and many more.

 Most patients find the treatment itself highly relaxing and all the needles that are used are extremely fine and do not cause pain on insertion. Needles are left in for approximately 20 minutes and during this time people fall into a highly relaxed state. Many people find themselves falling asleep while their bodies begin to re-balance themselves. Acupuncture is used not only as way of restoring ill health but also as way a preventative treatment. It can be incorporated into someone's weekly routine in the same way that a person may choose to go to the gym and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
In my own experience as a TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) acupuncturist I have found it to be successful with a broad range of issues. In particular people living in a western society find themselves working long hours and showing signs of increased stress, which can result in signs of high blood pressure. Along with long working hours often comes little time to spend on healthy meals and a need to unwind which may often include high consumptions of alcohol, smoking and drug takings; all of which have an effect on an individuals well being.

I have found acupuncture to have a profound effect on stress levels and allow a person to feel more harmonised and balanced. This gives a person more clarity to make better decisions and as a result can often lead to a healthier lifestyle.

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