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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chocolate Health Food

Chocolate is always credited as a reduction of stress to heart disease risk. However, there are other facts about chocolate.
According to the study investigators Northumbria University in England in 2009, the chocolate can help people do the math. Studies show, people can count down better after consuming hot chocolate which contains 500 mg of flavanols or five chocolate bars.
In addition, the antioxidants in chocolate may improve blood flow to the brain. Another study showed, a little dark chocolate could alter levels of C-reactive protein associated with inflammation in the body.
"The best effect is obtained when taking an average of 6.7 grams of chocolate per day, equivalent small box chocolate two or three times a week," said study lead author Romina Northumbria at Giuseppe. For several years, the study also reveals the health benefits of chocolate. According to a study on 44 thousand participants recently, people who eat chocolate every week, 22% more resistant to stroke. These findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Toronto.
Although chocolate is rich in antioxidant flavonoids that are proven to ward off a stroke, a study from McMaster University Sarah Sahib, Canada, notes, research 'is needed to determine chocolate actually lower the risk of stroke, or whether people can be healthy enough to eat chocolate. "

In 2009, the study found, those considered to be very depressed decreased stress hormone levels after eating chocolate every day for two weeks. Nestle Research Center in the Swiss study, 30 subjects ate 40 grams of dark chocolate every day.
Sunil Kochh
ar study shows, volunteer experience 'reduction in stress hormone levels and normalization of systemic metabolic stress' significantly. Perhaps the scientific reason that makes chocolate so-called 'food of the gods' in Greek.

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