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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beginners - Running Three Miles in Four Months

Over the course of four months you'll gradually learn to run at a comfortable pace. Some of the benefits of running are losing some pounds, your clothes will fit better and you'll feel great after each run! On the first day simply start off by walking until you get to the end of your block. Only go as far that's comfortable to you. If you can only run the distance of a couple houses that's fine. When you start feeling some discomfort then ease back into a walking pace. Finish out the rest of your first days session with a complete walk around your block.
After a few days you'll find you can increase the number of houses you can run. At the end of the first week if your can only run the distance of six houses that's great. Becoming a runner that can run three miles none stop is within your grasp in four months is something to look forward to.
Each week simply add a few more houses to the distance each week. By the end of the first month you should be able to get entirely around your block without stopping to a walk. I'm speaking about an average size block...which is about half a mile. If you have an abnormal size city block then adjust your distance. Keep adding more houses into your second month. By the end of you second month you should be able to run completely around your block two times...that's one mile none stop.
Always warm up for ten minutes before each daily jog. Yoga is the best, so you may have to go to a book store and purchase a book on Yoga. The third month we're going to change the schedule a little. This time run your normal base of one mile none stop, except add a few more houses on the end. When you begin to tire slow down to a walk. At this point walk the distance of one house. Then start up again to a jog for a few more houses. Keep doing the same thing around the whole block. Keep it up with three houses of running, walk one house, then three houses of running. Each week just keep adding more houses then less walking. By the end of your third month you should be able to run four times around your block none stop which comes to two miles.
Start your fourth month with your base of two miles none stop. Then do the same thing once again. Add a few houses of jogging, mixed with one house of walking. Then a few houses of jogging then one house of walking. By the end of the forth month you should be able to run three miles none stop. This comes to six times around your block.
At this point you can start taking some days off each week with no running days because your in good shape by now. Run four days a week and off three days. At this if you want to get into racing you know your capable of doing it. Running for speed is another type of training, not discussed in this article. The goal of this article be able to run three miles none stop at the end of four months. Congratulations, you've accomplished being able to run three miles in four months without stopping!By G Wayne Cooper

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