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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chocolate Health Food

Chocolate is always credited as a reduction of stress to heart disease risk. However, there are other facts about chocolate.
According to the study investigators Northumbria University in England in 2009, the chocolate can help people do the math. Studies show, people can count down better after consuming hot chocolate which contains 500 mg of flavanols or five chocolate bars.
In addition, the antioxidants in chocolate may improve blood flow to the brain. Another study showed, a little dark chocolate could alter levels of C-reactive protein associated with inflammation in the body.
"The best effect is obtained when taking an average of 6.7 grams of chocolate per day, equivalent small box chocolate two or three times a week," said study lead author Romina Northumbria at Giuseppe. For several years, the study also reveals the health benefits of chocolate. According to a study on 44 thousand participants recently, people who eat chocolate every week, 22% more resistant to stroke. These findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Toronto.
Although chocolate is rich in antioxidant flavonoids that are proven to ward off a stroke, a study from McMaster University Sarah Sahib, Canada, notes, research 'is needed to determine chocolate actually lower the risk of stroke, or whether people can be healthy enough to eat chocolate. "

In 2009, the study found, those considered to be very depressed decreased stress hormone levels after eating chocolate every day for two weeks. Nestle Research Center in the Swiss study, 30 subjects ate 40 grams of dark chocolate every day.
Sunil Kochh
ar study shows, volunteer experience 'reduction in stress hormone levels and normalization of systemic metabolic stress' significantly. Perhaps the scientific reason that makes chocolate so-called 'food of the gods' in Greek.

Beginners - Running Three Miles in Four Months

Over the course of four months you'll gradually learn to run at a comfortable pace. Some of the benefits of running are losing some pounds, your clothes will fit better and you'll feel great after each run! On the first day simply start off by walking until you get to the end of your block. Only go as far that's comfortable to you. If you can only run the distance of a couple houses that's fine. When you start feeling some discomfort then ease back into a walking pace. Finish out the rest of your first days session with a complete walk around your block.
After a few days you'll find you can increase the number of houses you can run. At the end of the first week if your can only run the distance of six houses that's great. Becoming a runner that can run three miles none stop is within your grasp in four months is something to look forward to.
Each week simply add a few more houses to the distance each week. By the end of the first month you should be able to get entirely around your block without stopping to a walk. I'm speaking about an average size block...which is about half a mile. If you have an abnormal size city block then adjust your distance. Keep adding more houses into your second month. By the end of you second month you should be able to run completely around your block two times...that's one mile none stop.
Always warm up for ten minutes before each daily jog. Yoga is the best, so you may have to go to a book store and purchase a book on Yoga. The third month we're going to change the schedule a little. This time run your normal base of one mile none stop, except add a few more houses on the end. When you begin to tire slow down to a walk. At this point walk the distance of one house. Then start up again to a jog for a few more houses. Keep doing the same thing around the whole block. Keep it up with three houses of running, walk one house, then three houses of running. Each week just keep adding more houses then less walking. By the end of your third month you should be able to run four times around your block none stop which comes to two miles.
Start your fourth month with your base of two miles none stop. Then do the same thing once again. Add a few houses of jogging, mixed with one house of walking. Then a few houses of jogging then one house of walking. By the end of the forth month you should be able to run three miles none stop. This comes to six times around your block.
At this point you can start taking some days off each week with no running days because your in good shape by now. Run four days a week and off three days. At this if you want to get into racing you know your capable of doing it. Running for speed is another type of training, not discussed in this article. The goal of this article be able to run three miles none stop at the end of four months. Congratulations, you've accomplished being able to run three miles in four months without stopping!By G Wayne Cooper

Healthy Food And Vitamins

One of the most powerful treatments for overall well-being and cleansing of the entire body is juicing. We are all told that we should eat at least 5 servings of fruits and 3 servings of vegetables per day as a diet high in these foods can prevent and even cure a wide range of ailments including cancer, allergies, heart disease and arthritis. Most people would find it difficult to incorporate all that in today's Western diet of 'already done for you' convenience foods but a glass or two of fresh juice per day would incorporate all that.
The benefits of fresh raw (organic if possible) fruit and vegetable juices taken every day are insurmountable. They are packed with vitamins and minerals and living enzymes which cleanse the entire body including the colon, blood and organs. Juices alkalinize the body and a major benefit is that they can also inhibit cancer growth as cancer thrives in acid conditions.
All fruits and vegetables have different properties and therefore different actions. For instance, carrots contain 12 of the essential minerals that go to make up the body, and are good for cleansing acid conditions in the blood making it beneficial in cases of rheumatism and gall stones, guarding against infections and strengthening the nervous system. Apple eliminates body toxins and cleanses the kidneys and liver and is wonderful for the complexion. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and also contain potassium and iodine which make them good as a skin and blood purifier also for glandular troubles and gallstones.
Juice does not cure the disease but cleanses and purifies the body and therefore strengthens the immune system. The body, which is programmed to be self healing, then takes over and heals itself. There are many delicious recipes for juices and many books available to teach you what the different juice combinations can do for you. There are also incompatible juice combinations which do not mix well and should not be taken together. Some of these are carrot and grape juice, apricot juice with greens, citrus juice with cabbage, watercress or turnip leaves.
Vegetable juices can be mixed but if you wish to add a fruit, do not use any more than one kind at a time, preferably apple. Fruit juices should be taken on their own and consumed between meals Take care when choosing a juicer as this is very important. There are various types of juicers on the market and you want the one which will give you the most juice with the most nutrients, and not all juicers do that.
The juicing machines which use a centrifugal action can destroy many of the live enzymes the food due to the heat generated in the process, so you need an auger or twin gear juicer which can keep the vital nutrients in the juice viable for up to 48 hours (although it is always best to drink it as soon as possible after juicing). This type of juicer can also juice wheatgrass where the centrifugal type cannot.
Fruit and vegetable juices supply the body with essential vitamins and minerals which are easily digested and readily assimilated making them an incomparable aid in the rejuvenation of the human body and the prevention of disease.
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