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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Communication With The Doctor Better

Communication is the foundation of all good relationships. Sometimes I get a sweet note in my lunch, other times I find a sticky note, “viola lesson at 6”, and sometimes when I pass the chair of internal medicine in the hospital he says, “Let’s talk this afternoon in my office.” Clearly some forms of communication are more direct than others, and others are more desirable.

Likewise, the doctor/patient relationship is also built on the cornerstone of communication. I love it when patients bring a list of questions to their office visit. Those questions give us a chance to talk about issues important to the patient, keep the extraneous chatter about weather to a minimum, and I can send them on their way with peace of mind. The list of questions makes us a team and allows us to work together. If you’ve read an article related to your health, and you’re wondering what I think about it, by all means, bring it with you. Warning: Not all doctors like this, so proceed with caution.

Yesterday I was reminded that listening is a really important component of great communications. I had an adult patient come to her appointment with her mom, which I have to say is fairly atypical. During the actual exam, the mom left the exam room and I asked the patient if there was a reason why she brought her mom along. She said, “We have a rule in our family that no one ever goes to the doctor alone, that way there’s two sets of ears listening to what the doctor says.” Simple and Smart.

Now, there are some patients who skip the list of questions and like to get right to it. Last month I had a patient who started our office visit with, “Hey doc, look at this!” and dropped his pants to show me a festering imperfection which needed some antibiotics. Medical school teaches us a lot of things, but covering our surprise when patients suddenly flash their privates is not one of them—that’s why we always knock on the door before entering the exam room. Doctors are people too; a little warm-up goes a long way.

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